What to expect from the treatment

  • Each treatment lasts between 45 and 60 minutes with the first treatment taking slightly longer so I can take a full case history. 
  •  If you prefer light clothing can be worn.
  • ​During a treatment you may feel tingling, hot or cold sensations as your body reacts to the therapy.  There may also be some short lived pain when working over certain trigger points and soft tissue. Most clients feel a sense of release and relaxation during and at the end of the session.
  • I recommend new clients have a SMART BOWEN Assessment Programme consisting of between  two to four treatments, one week apart.  This allows us to assess how well your body is responding and how many, if any, further sessions you need.  By the time you've had  two - four sessions you should be feeling good improvements.
  • ​Depending on the cause of your pain, whether it's due to a health condition or arising from an aspect of your lifestyle that you can't or don't want to change, such as a job or hobby, you may benefit from a maintenance  plan.  Some clients like a monthly session as an investment in their wellbeing to help prevent aches and pains, to simply feel better or to help keep them performing at their peak.




Effects may also be felt in other areas of the body as equilibrium is restored. For example, it is quite usual for a client to come back for a second treatment and report that his shoulder pain is reduced, but also his digestion is working better or his hay fever is improved even though these symptoms may never have been mentioned  during the consultation. This demonstrates the brain is able to recognise further imbalances in the body and set up the appropriate responses in order to rectify them.

Fascia and connective tissue are an integral part of us.  When tension in one area of the body is released , this has a knock-on effect elsewhere - like a set of dominos being knocked over. With the release of toxins and old patterning, the moves begin to accomplish holistic balance almost immediately. SMART  BOWEN THERAPY  addresses the body as a whole unit, rather than just the presenting symptom, it embraces the physical, chemical, emotional and mental aspects of each person receiving a treatment.


Prices : Consultation £55. Subsequent Treatments £50

  • Free Your Pain
  • Free Your Body
  • Free Your Movement
  • Maintain
  • Train
  • Perform

                          BOWEN THERAPY & YOGA IN THE COTSWOLDS